
Nicoleta Vlad

~$ whoami

  • student: Digital Interactive Arts @ Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca
  • work: IT stuff
  • I do marketing && events
  • artivist for sustainability
  • youth worker
  • yoga teacher
  • I dance && move my body
  • I write my soul out
I Am a creative person who turns ideas into reality while encouraging others

forest drift




of the project







** currently working on

An experimental short film concept that follows a girl's journey from the chaotic cityscape to the tranquil depths of the forest, exploring the contrast between urban noise and natural serenity while hinting at the uncertain future of technology's influence on our lives.

urban symphony

Short (visual) poem representing the audio waves of sounds gathered in Bucharest, both natural (using a recorder on the streets) & electronic (using a coil that I soldered). A future version of this project will have AR elements: audio and animations.

Part of the workshop & exhibition In the Blink of an Ear (February 2024).

The cacti are part of our group performance inspired by John Cage. Piezos were used to get the sound of the vibrations when touching them.

fish aquarium

Interactive installation at the Speculative Lab exhibition (November 2023) part of Timișoara - European Capital of Culture.

Upcycled plastic and aluminium are used to raise awareness of their impact on subaquatic life.

When people come close to the aquarium (3D fish animation), their movement suddenly stops and turns upside down, showing how the plastic we brought into their world killed them. + audio essay (link)

trees that whisper in the evening

// an interactive social experience (SOLO EXHIBITION - July 2023)

The forest & its trees have stories to tell if we pause for a moment to listen to their serene sounds.

As humans, we are deeply connected to the forest, and each one of us has at least one memory featuring a tree.

Through this immersive exhibition combined with a social gathering and thought-provoking discussions, participants had the space to reflect and appreciate the nature around us.

playing with Resolume


Organizing meet-ups where people connect and create. Any type of art. Any medium. Everyone is welcome to join.

Aim: a global movement to inspire change through artistic expression.

art-journaling workshops

Facilitating workshops for everyone. With a focus on emotions and sustainability.


Andreas Lutz

Cosmos în Buzunar




How I started writing code to generate something colourful, back in ~2015.